In a recording posted on the presidential website, Chesziersky said that the conversation between the two presidents lasted nearly an hour.

He stated that the first topic that the presidents discussed was the issue of Euro-Atlantic relations, which relates to changing the American administration. Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States on Wednesday.

Tangible goals for the future

Collaboration with the government, NATO summit, Group V4. President of the Office of the President of the Republic on the plans for this year

– The Presidents of Poland and Germany stressed that our two countries must take care today to preserve the American commitment to European security, and to preserve a strong European Atlantic League – said the Presidential Minister and Plenipotentiary for the Establishment of the International Policy Office of the President of the Republic of Poland.

He added that the common role of Poland and Germany today in these relations, “that the new American administration will maintain this commitment to our security, the security of the eastern flank, but also towards the United States economic, political and practical. Military intervention in Europe, as part of the program of the new American administration.”

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The second topic of talks between the presidents of Poland and Germany was bilateral issues. This year we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Polish-German Cooperation and Good-Neighborly Treaty. In this context, the presidents talked about celebrating this anniversary, but they also talked about the fact that it is important that this anniversary coincide with progress on these key issues of Polish-German relations today, شcherski said.

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As he said, the important point is that it is possible not only to summarize a good 30 years of Polish-German neighborhood, the development of economic and social cooperation, local government and interstate cooperation, “but also to talk about specific goals for the future and what is the subject of these joint Polish-German relations.” Scherski pointed out that one of the important elements in the Polish-German dialogue is now “issues of Polish diaspora rights, educational rights, and the Polish-German round table in this regard, as well as the commemoration of the Polish victims of World War II in Berlin.”

“A very important element”

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This topic has started, and this work continues. The Presidents emphasized that it is in their common interest to end effectively, that this celebration, and that the memorial site for the Polish victims of World War II be established in Berlin, and that they support and desire this project, also in the context of the upcoming 30th anniversary of the Treaty, see the concrete results of the work of the team that They are working on this project today – the minister said.

The conversation of the Presidents also focused on current affairs related to the Coronavirus epidemic and the issue of European solidarity in the field of Coronavirus vaccination. Ceszierski stressed that President Duda “made clear that the effectiveness of the European project in terms of vaccination (…) depends on solidarity within this program.”

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The heads of state agreed that it would also be a very important component of building confidence in the European project, if the European Immunization Program was implemented in accordance with the principles of transparency, solidarity and society. And this is a very important task today, also in a much broader dimension than just fighting the epidemic, and also in the political dimension, when it comes to European politics – said Cheschersky.

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He pointed out that the presidents also spoke about the importance of maintaining social consensus today on the restrictions related to the epidemic, but also “the gradual release of economic forces in our country, so that the horizon for economic recovery can also be charted.”

Scherski indicated that this was the first conversation between the Presidents of Poland and Germany this year, stressing that these were regular talks.
