Germing (Bavaria) – clockwise? Or against? It doesn’t matter, right? Exactly not!

Parking disc in Germering. Parking discs are going the wrong way there!

The district town near Munich (37,000 inhabitants) has distributed thousands of parking tablets to its residents. The giveaway that completely backfired.

Because city parking discs are receding: The white turntable doesn’t say 1-2-3-4, but 4-3-2-1. The numbers are printed incorrectly.

If the parking disc is right, the lowest number will be displayed on the left.

Photo: picture alliance / ZB

That’s why the city is now phasing them out. “The dial is printed clockwise like a clock, but it should be the other way around. This makes it invalid according to StVO (DIN 1451 Part 2 standard corresponds to VwV 16th Street in §39 StVO),” the city writes on its website. . Residents must “get rid of” them.

For years, no one noticed that the discs were misprinted. First, I mentioned the local copy of “SZ” on the posse disk.

︎ A spokeswoman for the City of Germering when asked by BILD: “A citizen told us last week that he was given a €20 ticket because the parking disc was invalid.”

Parking discs are actually “like street signs,” says the spokeswoman. “If they don’t quite fit the norm, they’re not valid.”

The appearance of the parking disc is very strictly regulated by the StVO. The blue disc is an official directional sign – give way, pedestrian crossing, or no parking sign.

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The legislator has strictly regulated everything: according to the law, the parking disc must be blue. It should have a white spinning disk. It shall not be less than 15 cm in height and 11 cm in width. In addition, full and half hours must be displayed. Numbers and writing must comply with DIN 1451 standard.

• The city first ordered the tablets in 2014, according to the spokeswoman – a total of 5,000 pieces. “We have since distributed more than half.”

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