Ten US diplomats are expected to leave Russia by May 21. They were considered unwanted. The Russian diplomatic ministry had announced that “other steps will be taken in the coming days.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned US Deputy Ambassador to Moscow Bart Gorman on Wednesday. The ministry handed him a memorandum declaring that ten US embassy employees were considered persona. They are scheduled to leave Russia by May 21, the end of the day.

The Russian Ministry of Diplomacy announced in a press release that “there will be further steps in the coming days” as part of Moscow’s response to the recent sanctions imposed by Washington, which – according to the Russian Foreign Ministry – are “illegal.”

G Worman’s visit to the State Department lasted nearly a quarter of an hour. The diplomat did not comment on the media.

US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan announced on Tuesday that he will travel to Washington this week for consultations with representatives of President Joe Biden’s administration. The diplomat is expected to return to Moscow in the coming weeks.

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