Status: 06.11.2022 20:24

Frankfurt’s controversial mayor, Feldmann, has been voted on. In the referendum, the necessary number of votes was clearly exceeded. Feldman is currently on trial for his exploitation.

Peter Feldmann’s selection for Mayor of Frankfurt was rescinded. A quorum of 30 percent of all eligible voters in the referendum was reached. The politician from the Social Democratic Party appeared in front of the press before the counting ended and admitted that he would be out of the vote. “This means that I will no longer be the mayor,” he said. Officially, he is the head of the city administration until the end of the week.

special election procedures

The abolition of selection was not a classic local election, but a referendum. Therefore, a simple majority was not enough to dismiss Feldman, but a quorum must be achieved at the same time. 30 percent of all eligible voters had to vote to annul the selection.

This equates to 152,455 votes to clear the selection, which was largely overtaken. Shortly before the end of the counting, nearly 200,000 Frankfurters voted to vote for the mayor. About 95 percent of voters were against Feldman remaining in office.

Advantage acceptance process

Feldman has been criticized for months over his alleged role in the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) salary overpayment case – and since October also before the Frankfurt District Court. There he has to answer the charge of accepting the advantage.

It is said that Feldman’s ex-partner and his subsequent wife received a lot of money and a company car as the head of a German-Turkish daycare center. The indictment alleges Feldman that this business relationship was closed as of 2014 due to his position as mayor. In the 2018 election campaign, Frankfurt AWO was said to have supported Feldman through fundraising. Feldman denies the allegations.

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Scandal in Eintracht Frankfurt

He also slipped repeatedly, for example when he snatched the Frankfurt Eintracht European Cup in Römer. Then the Eintracht leadership declared him persona non grata on the field.

It was also dropped by the Social Democratic Party

In the summer, it was voted on by the city council by a large majority, including votes from his own party. However, representatives from the left-wing spectrum asserted that Feldman had done much for the city. Feldman could have accepted the city councilors’ vote, but let the deadline pass, which is why citizens now had to make the decision. The campaign for Feldmann’s successor should soon begin in Frankfurt.