The introduction of a system of four days a week in Poland is neither real nor necessary. This is the opinion of the Minister of Family and Social Policy.

The shortening of working time under separate regulations is neither real nor necessary. This is what the Minister of Family and Social Policy says about the idea of ​​a four-day working week. Thus Marlena Mallig referred to the idea of ​​shortening the working week, recently renewed in the public debate.

The first idea was put forward by the left some time ago. The idea of ​​such a reform was announced over the weekend by the opposition Civic Coalition. On Monday, the minister in the current government, Waldemar Boda, indicated that the Council of Ministers is also studying the possibility of working a four-day week.

Minister to shorten the work week

However, Minister Maląg excludes the possibility of introducing regulations in this matter by the current government. As she said on Polish Radio, the Labor Code already allows the introduction of flexible forms of working time. This is possible on the basis of an agreement between the employer and the employee.

The Labor Code already allows, by agreement, the introduction of flexible forms of working time. So everything can be done [wprowadzać – red.] According to the agreement between the employer and the employee – She said in an interview with the radio when asked about the idea of ​​a shorter work week. She added:

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– So I think that these utopian changes (…) are not real, they are not needed.

Instead of reducing working hours, the government is now focusing mainly on introducing flexible forms of employment. He goes, among other things, to the introduction of remote work.

Outside of Poland, in many countries (including Iceland, Spain or the United Kingdom), experiments are being conducted to shorten the weekly working time. Primary analyzes indicate that productivity is maintained or improved. Also, some companies voluntarily offer reduced business hours.

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