The media in Great Britain, Spain and Portugal have noted the participation of Polish soldiers and doctors in testing truck drivers stranded in Dover. The British portals say: “A day after the UK decided that it did not need Europe, we accept help from French firefighters and Polish soil in testing for the Coronavirus.”

The most attention was devoted to the Polish media campaign in the United Kingdom, where congestion caused by border restrictions due to a new mutation of the virus caused chaos and hours of traffic jams.

Noting the help of Polish soldiers in resolving the crisis, the British news agency PA Media, the text of which was reprinted and later used by many newspapers and websites, including. Evening Standard, Metro, or Daily Mirror.

“On Friday, the movement in Dover went smoothly, and French firefighters and Polish soldiers from the RDF also assisted in the tests. Poland fired its operation Zumbach, referring to Polish WWII pilot Jan Zumbach, who fought with the Allies in the battle from Yes, Britain “- the agency wrote in a letter.

These words were also quoted from The London Economic website, which wrote: “A day after the UK decided that it did not need Europe, we are accepting help from French firefighters and Polish territories in testing for the Coronavirus.”

The newspaper “Daily Mail” also referred to the participation of the Regional Defense Forces, which also published on the portal several photos of Polish soldiers and a video recording while they were working.

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Polish aid has also been noticed by media and commentators on the Iberian Peninsula – mainly in contrast to the lack of action by the governments of Portugal and Spain.

“Poland is sending soldiers to the UK to help drivers stranded there – their own citizens and citizens of countries abandoned by their governments,” the Vox party leader wrote on Facebook, citing Okdiario.

Popular blogger Elentir on drew attention to the current situation. On December 24, he wrote, the Spanish government had not taken any new measures. “This is a ridiculous response to such a difficult situation where drivers are short of food,” wrote Elentir, “10 days after the Department of Transportation’s Maritime Rescue Service sailed 170 kilometers at sea from the Canary Islands to rescue illegal immigrants.” On the opinions of drivers.

“While the Spanish government has said only that it is informing drivers that it will not punish them for a long period of rest in the truck cabins, the Polish government has sent dozens of doctors, diagnostics, nurses and paramedics to the UK, who were replaced by 60 doctors on Friday. Military,” Elentir wrote.

Also read: The British Deputy Minister thanked Poland

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In turn, the Portuguese public television RTP broadcast on Saturday a report in which Portuguese drivers widely criticized the position of their country’s authorities, comparing it to Polish activities.

Criticism was spared, among other things Rogerio Nunes’ driver. An employee of a post-secondary transport company admitted that while he waited for a few days to leave the British Isles, he received support from Polish diplomats.

“They helped not only their drivers, but us as well. Diplomats from other Central and Eastern European countries, including Romania and the Czech Republic, did the same. The latter even offered us the support of a psychologist,” – said Rogerio Nunes.

Meanwhile, Intertram representative André Almeida, a representative of Portuguese road transport workers, said on Saturday that drivers and carriers who have suffered losses in long-term waiting at the British-French border should be compensated.

Almeida pointed to the weakness of European diplomacy in solving the blockade problem when leaving the United Kingdom, as Antram estimates that there are still more than 100 Portuguese drivers waiting to leave the islands.

“We have information that their difficult situation will be resolved today, but they are still waiting to enter France,” Almeida said, adding that Antram relies on “bearing the consequences of the mistakes of policy makers.”