A Republican funder who donated $ 2.5 million to “True the Vote” to detect election fraud demanded a refund. According to the Washington Post, he has filed two lawsuits for this.

A small conservative nonprofit group in Texas has announced efforts to expose alleged fraud by voting. Aired from the fake products, like many Republicans, North Carolina financier Fred Eschilman and his advisors called True the Vote.

The Washington Post reported the case based on court papers and interviews with various individuals. He explained that the man was quickly convinced of the success of the mission.

“I’m behind two,” he told the president of True The Vote. (…) “$ 200,000?” One of his advisers asked him. The daily “Washington” newspaper quoted “two million dollars”, Eichelman’s response. Over the next 12 days, he added, Eichelmann began regretting the decision and questioning the conspiracy theories surrounding rumors of the illegal vote.

When the funder offered the money, he knew nothing of True The Vote. I allowed for the possibility of electoral fraud.

“There was actually noise in cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Philadelphia. (…) I wanted to determine if it was legal. Can we catch a person in flagrante delicto?” – He argued.

As WP said, thanks to financial support, the Texas organization began a series of lawsuits and attempted to file reports from informants about alleged election fraud across the country. Like the extensive legal effort by Donald Trump’s team to reverse Joe Biden’s victory, it failed.

True, the vote eventually stopped the suit, and Eichelmann demanded a refund. However, the organization offered to pay him only $ 1 million, justifying this with the correct use of the funds. The funder then filed two court cases for misuse of the donation.

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The group’s attorney, James Pope, told The Washington newspaper that Eichlman had not placed any conditions on the grant. While his federal lawsuit has been dropped, a second trial is still pending in Texas state court. So far, the man has not recovered any money.

Eichelmann emphasized that he was still convinced of some of the transgressions during the election.

“Do I think they could have climbed to a point that would change the election result? I don’t know,” the financier told Washington.

Andrzej Dobrowolski from New York