Initial expectations after the building was closed at noon indicated a slight victory for the supporters of the proposal to ban the burqa and niqab. In the end, more than 52 percent of the Swiss and the Swiss supported such a ban, and therefore voted differently from what the Swiss recommended. rz ± d. This ban should now be incorporated into the constitution and will apply to streets, restaurants, and shops. The exception would be places where religious worship would be practiced.

Switzerland Will join today’s decision for such countries, for example FranceAustria, the Netherlands, where full face covering is prohibited. A similar ban had already been imposed in the cantons of St. Galen and Thyssen.

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The initiative to ban the headscarf comes from the right-wing conservative “Egerkinger Committee,” close to the Swiss People’s Party, and affirms that it wants to prevent “Islamization”. SwitzerlandIn this way, his opponents say, he is promoting “anti-Islamic racism.”

Officially, the draft, put to the vote, spoke of a general ban on covering the face, and thus also during demonstrations or on soccer stadiums. Although his name has not been explicitly mentioned, the organization behind the project makes no secret that the initiative is primarily directed against the Muslim burqa and niqab. SVP’s Annian Lieberand said on Swiss TV that “radical Islam has to be in place”. Lybrand is the chair of the “Egerkinger Committee”, which collected signatures for the planned referendum.

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In 2009, likewise, this organization meant that since then no new minarets could be built in Switzerland.

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And the slogan “Stop Radical Islam!” Used in the campaign to encourage voters, yes. The other side described the initiative as “ridiculous”, “redundant” and “anti-Islam,” and stressed that it did not work to empower women.

In 2018, the percentage of Muslims living in Switzerland was 5.3%. It is estimated that around 30 women wear the niqab. And the burqa is a garment that covers the whole woman. Only eyes behind the screen. In the case of the niqab, an opening for the eyes.

The Swiss do not want an electronic identity

For the remainder of the vote, the Swiss rejected the government’s planned electronic identification document (e-ID). The project was considered controversial because the documents were to be issued by private companies. On the other hand, a palm oil trade agreement has been approved with Indonesia.

(AFP, DPA / Large)

The article from Seruiso Deutsche Welle.

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