The newspaper learned of the contents of the talks during Chancellor Merkel’s internal meeting with politicians from the Christian Democratic Union, during which the prime minister called for tighter restrictions. She said that due to the coronavirus boom, Germany is sitting “on a powder keg” and it is not entirely certain that the lockdown will be lifted in mid-February.

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The goal: to make travel difficult for Germans

“The situation is out of control,” Merkel said at the conference. We have to be tougher, otherwise we will go back to where we were two weeks ago. Germany must reach an infection rate of less than 50 per 100,000. Residents – she added.

The head of government in Berlin expressed his particular concern about the continued desire of Germans to travel, as they might bring the mutated SARS-CoV-2 virus into the country. Merkel wants to make air traffic restrictions difficult for citizens to travel around the world.

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Reverse order

Moreover, it is not certain that the planned opening and the gradual relaxation of restrictions in Germany may take place in mid-February. The chancellor stated that “it is impossible to talk about the opening now.”

According to Bild, Merkel also spoke of the opposite of the arrangement for easing restrictions – freezing kindergartens and schools should be removed first, then stores, and finally restaurants.

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