This is in defense of those who are “persecuted on the basis of race, religion, gender, or sexual activity”. By the end of this year, the so-called European Union government wants to propose a list of crimes. Some politicians are already seeing a second bottom – reports Radio Marega reporter.

According to the European Commission, resistance to all forms and manifestations of racism, xenophobia and intolerance is necessary because it is inconsistent with the values ​​on which it is based. European Union – stipulated in Article 2 of the Treaty of Lisbon.

There will be a list of crimes

A proposed list of crimes is to be prepared by the end of this year. The committee refers here to the issue of respect for human dignity and art. 83 of the treaty, which describes minimum standards relating to the definition of crimes and penalties in the Federation – Radio Marija.

The case was addressed via Twitter by Deputy Justice Minister Marcin Romanowski. “At the moment, ‘hate speech’ is an abstract concept. Without specific criteria and clear assumptions, the European Commission will gain another tool for political pressure. We will witness ideological censorship against anyone who does not use gender rhetoric,” Romanowski says.

‘Censorship and silencing’

Ryszard Czarnecki, PiS MEP, assesses the idea of ​​the European Commission in a similar context.

The proposal recently announced by the President of the European Commission to combat hate speech sounds like a good thing, because hate is an ugly thing. The thing is that with such a vague and indeterminate approach to the topic it might happen to turn into a kind of censorship, silencing the unpopular opinions of this left-liberal establishment, which has a majority in the European Parliament or the elites of the European Union – Czarnecki says in an interview with Radio Maryja.

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