The court in Tver said, Tuesday, that a plaque commemorating the victims of the Katyn massacre – the Ostashkov camp prisoners, dismantled in 2020 from the NKVD’s former headquarters building in Tver, was placed there without legal grounds.

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Such an assessment was included in the justification for the court’s decision, on February 25 this year. Rejection of the association’s lawsuit Memorial Regarding disassembly Array array.

The justification for the court’s decision should have been published within five business days of the date the case was dismissed. The statue’s attorney, Vladimir Trigubov, informed Parliament about its publication on the court’s website, which on that day received an official justification.

Trigubov explained that March 11 was specified as the date of justification, but that this date is not included in the document itself.

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In the opinion of the court, the Polish plaque, “although it is called a memorial plaque” (…), is not in the full sense, because it was not drawn up for legal reasons (as there is no appropriate decision from the relevant authority). ”

The court stated in justification that it did not find any violations during the dismantling of the “disputed memorial plaques,” and that the medical school that currently occupies the building did not violate the law.

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The refusal of the case statement is subject to appeal, which – as the court stated in its justification – can be brought within one month “from the time the court makes the final decision.”

Last year, the building was in TverWhere until the middle of the twentieth century it was the headquarters of the Soviet security services and when prisoners from Osthchkov were killed in the spring of 1940, a plaque reminding of these events was removed. It has been located in the building since the beginning of the 1990s. There was placed on the initiative Katyn families With the approval of the Tver authorities at the time. The Memorial Association has filed a lawsuit against the medical university, which currently occupies the building. Russian activists demanding the return of the painting. February 25 this year. The court rejected the lawsuit.

The proceedings before the court in Tverre concerned, unlike Polish, the second painting, which was on the building and was intended for Russian victims of Stalinist oppression.

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