Blankenberge (Saxony-Anhalt) – What senseless destruction lives in these young men. In Blankenburg, two girls (14 years old) rioted in a public toilet, completely destroying it.

A police spokesman said: “On Saturday around 4pm a comrade from the volunteer fire brigade informed the police and said he had been contacted by young witnesses who could give information about the young offenders about the serious damage to property in the public toilet on Gartenstraße.” Sunday.

The changing table also has to be believed

Photo: Harz Police Station

The police officers were also shown a photograph of blind destruction at the site. Not only was the wet paper stuck to the walls but even to the ceiling of the toilet – the two 14 year olds also ruined the changing table.

The suspected girls from Blankennenburg could still be found near the destroyed toilet and she also confessed to the crime. It was not clear why they were so panicked.

A police spokesperson said, “Criminal proceedings were initiated against the two girls. They were then handed over to their parents.” (tpa)

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