Also read: Head of the Foreign Ministry: “Poland is ready to provide all necessary assistance to our Croatian partners and friends.”

At least seven people were killed in the Croatian earthquake – one in Petringa, five in Majsky Poliani near Jalina, and one in Sad. 26 people were injured, six of them seriously.

The epicenter of the earthquake that occurred on Tuesday is 3 kilometers away from more than 15 thousand people. The population of the city of Petringa, 47 km south of Zagreb. The shocks were felt throughout Croatia, as well as beyond its borders – in Hungary, Austria, southern Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Serbia, as well as most of Italy, from Bolzano in the north to Naples in the south.

On Wednesday morning, the ground shook again – three powerful earthquakes of magnitude 3.9 to 4.8 once again hit the earthquake zone on Tuesday. The Croatian Seismological Service said the epicenter was 12 km northwest of Sisak at a depth of 8 km.

Also read: Goran Andrejjanich: Earthquake: It looks like Croatia was after the war again. “Firefighters and emergency services are still digging through the rubble.”

kpc / PAP

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