According to a Pew poll, 82% of the American public believe that tensions in the Taiwan Strait are a serious problem for the United States. Image source: Dazhi Image

The Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China is held in Beijing. A new poll from the United States shows that up to 82% of the American people are concerned about the tension in the Taiwan Strait, which is 8 percentage points higher. than that in March; More than half of the respondents believe that senior US officials should continue to visit the Tower.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, held every five years, is currently being held in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping of the Communist Party of China is expected to have a historic third term, but the United Nations’ Pew Research Center announced today that aPolls show71% of Americans think Xi Jinping’s re-election is a serious problem for the United States.

Opinion polls show that up to 87% of the American public believe that the partnership between Russia and China is a serious problem for the United States; 86% concerned about China’s military might; 80% are concerned about China’s human rights policies, and 80% are concerned about economic competition between the United States and China.

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82% of Americans think that the tension in the Taiwan Strait is a serious problem for the United States, 43% think it is very dangerous, and 39% think it is very dangerous. Compared to last March’s poll, the percentage of people who think it is extremely dangerous has increased by 8 percentage points.

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in early August drew heavy criticism from China and the military exercises. In addition to raising the concerns of the American people about the tensions in the Taiwan Strait, opinion polls show that concern about China’s military strength is also higher than it was in March.7 percentage points higher.

When asked if senior US politicians should continue to visit Taiwan even if it would harm bilateral relations with China, 54% of Americans said they should; Only 38% believed that the United States should prioritize relations with China rather than sending politicians to visit Taiwan.

The survey also shows that there is no clear partisan difference in the American people’s views on the American people’s future diplomatic trips to Taiwan. 56% of respondents, both Republicans and Democrats, believe that senior US officials should continue to visit Taiwan.

This article was reproduced from 10.20.2022“Confusedwhich reflects the opinion of the author only and does not represent the position of our agency.

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