In the document, Pope Francis expressed his interest in the unification of mankind. Towards the ever-increasing “us” – Under this slogan, the Pope reminded of the societal character of the path of redemption that God showed to man after original sin.

A more “Catholic” church, a more inclusive world

Francis, referring to the saint’s words. Paul – “There is one body and one spirit, because you have been called to one hope, you are given by your calling” – he expressed his hope for growth in the catholic (universal) church. The Pope wrote: “In the face of the difference between foreigners, immigrants and refugees and in the intercultural dialogue that can arise from it, we get an opportunity to grow as a church, to enrich each other.”

The Pope called for the inclusiveness of the Church and stressed that “the Church is so [dziś] He called to go to the streets of the existential sides to heal the wounded and search for the lost, without prejudice and fear, without preaching, but ready to expand his shelter to receive everyone.

The same applies to the modern world, so Francis asked all men and women to “rebuild the human family, and together create our future of justice and peace, making sure that no one is left behind.”

The future of our societies is a “colorful” future, rich in diversity and intercultural relations. Therefore, we must learn today how to live together in harmony and peace – he indicated.

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Dream of a new Jerusalem

This is the ideal of the New Jerusalem (see Is 60; Revelation 21: 3), where all peoples will meet in peace and harmony, praising the goodness of God and the wonders of creation. However, in order to achieve this ideal, we must all strive to tear down the walls that separate us and build bridges that reinforce the culture of encounter, aware of the deep interconnectedness that exists between us. From this perspective, contemporary migrations give us the opportunity to overcome our fears, and allow ourselves to be enriched by the diversity of this gift that each of us has. So, if we want to do so, we can turn borders into distinct meeting places where the greater miracle of “us” can flourish, as the Pope has continued in his musings on diversity and inclusiveness.

“The Prophet Joel prophesied the Messianic future as a period of dreams and visions inspired by the Holy Spirit,” therefore, as the Pope wrote, “We are called to dream together.”

We cannot be afraid to dream and do it together, as one humanity, as comrades on the same path, as sons and daughters of the same land, which is our common home, we are all sisters and brothers, encouraged Francis.