Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio announced on Saturday the lifting of the five-day quarantine commitment for travelers from European Union countries, Great Britain and Israel. He stressed that Italy will be opened to foreign tourists in safe conditions. Italian media unofficially reported that the five-day quarantine commitment for tourists from European Union countries will end on May 15.

Pollen passports approaching. The European Union has set a date

She said at a press conference in Porto …

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Coronavirus – report

After meeting with Health Minister Roberto Speranza about easing restrictions in tourism, the head of the Italian diplomacy wrote on social media: “We need to plan the summer well so that health, economy and work are not at risk.”

He added that the government’s goal is to open Italy to newcomers from countries that have achieved high levels of vaccination against COVID-19 and Some restrictions were eased from mid-May.

New arrivals from the USA

– We are working to lift the mini-quarantine for People coming from the European Union, the United Kingdom and Israel, If they tested negative, Di Maio said they have had a vaccination or recovery certificate in the past six months.

A unique find in Italy. Remains have been found thousands of years ago

The remains of nine Neanderthals have been found in Cercio in the Italian capital, Lazio, Culture Minister Dario announced on Saturday …

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Same thing added. In the case of the USA, With which Covid-19 free flights will increase, and from June we intend to lift the quarantine for those coming from there.

Currently, this quarantine is 10 days.

Contact Dubai

Moreover, as stated by the Italian Foreign Minister, Authorities in Rome are preparing for free COVID-19 flights on flights to Dubai, where the World Expo will start in October.

Italian media unofficially reported that the five-day quarantine commitment for tourists from European Union countries will end on May 15.

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# COVID-19



#United kingdom

#United States of America


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