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neo-nazis The Trzecia Droga group has issued a call to participate in civilian patrols whose mission will be to guard-German Near Gubin in Brandenburg. Their goal is ‘containment’ immigrantswho are trying to get into the country.

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“I’m afraid that when they start mowing corn, there will be a lot of dead immigrants” Report from the border

Germany. The third route calls for a march to the border with Poland. Lists what you need to take with you

As the German daily wrote “Berlin newspaper” quoted wp.plThe third method is in the process of organizing the so-called vigilant groups. The group is calling for a gathering near Jobin on the evening of Saturday 23 October.

“You should take dark waterproof clothing and shoes, a standard headlight and headlight, and possibly a night vision device” — was the content of the appeal reported by the magazine.

“They die at the border.” Kaczyński came to Wawel. face protest

Germany. According to the magazine, violent scenes may occur at the border

According to the “Berliner Zeitung”, which is also referred to, among other things, by a port German wave“It can be assumed that there will be violent behavior” on the Polish-German border. As expected by the group neo-nazis He may try to use push back, that is to “push” the migrants back the border.

official speaker the police In an interview with the newspaper, he confirmed that the police know the planned work of the group and are closely monitoring its development. Actions in this matter are agreed with the Brandenburg authorities and the Federal State Police.

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The practices that could become a “model” for the neo-Nazis were a brutal response, implemented, among other things, on the border Croatia With Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania or Greece. An international team of journalists released a video showing masked men chasing migrants abroad and beating them with batons. More about this Title You can read in the article:

Refugees imprisoned on the borders of Croatia and Bosnia and HerzegovinaThey chased the migrants outside and beat them with batons Experts: they were policemen

According to information from the German police, more than 4,300 people were supposed to have entered the country without a permit since August of this year. They are citizens, among others Iraq, Syrian Arab Republic, To whom or Iran. The Third Way Party was founded in 2013 with the participation of former neo-Nazi activists from the German National Democratic Party. Their assumptions include, among other things, “the reconstruction of Greater Germany within its historical borders, while respecting international law.”