The German chancellor, Olaf Schulz, and his wife, Britta Ernst, Minister of Education in the state of Brandenburg, threw confidential documents into a trash can. Their neighbors from Potsdam, among others, found government messages regarding the G7 summit – Der Spiegel reported.

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Wilt announced the Spiegel results. Neighbors Schulze and Ernst (both from the SPD) were amazed when they checked out trash in the apartment complex in central Potsdam. Internal government documents were found there.

The documents, reported by German media, include among others private diary notes, email correspondence and draft letters of Britta Ernst.

Immediately after the G7 summit in Bavaria, information about the partners in the talks: the profiles of heads of state and government, was also scheduled to be thrown into the trash. Welt indicates that it is publicly available, but the document is classified as Confidential information – for official use only.

There are strict rules when dealing with such documents. These confidential documents must be destroyed “in a way that their contents cannot be identified,” according to the federal government’s administrative order for so-called physical protection of secrets.

Only “persons who have undergone security checks to establish the necessary credibility” are allowed to use confidential information, according to the website of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

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Neither the Chancellor’s office nor the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in the state of Brandenburg failed to answer SPIEGEL’s questions.

Schulz and his wife moved to a new apartment in 2021. Their former residence was in turmoil before: there were several burglaries in the building where two politicians lived.

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# Olaf Schulz

