The leader of the Greens in the Bundestag, Anton Hofreiter, was criticized after the last statement. He stated that building single-family homes requires “a lot of space, a lot of building materials, and a lot of energy.”

In addition, it is believed that single-family homes caused urban sprawl and thus more traffic. We live in a time of climate crisis and species extinction.

Other politicians from this party also expressed similar views. One of them, in an interview with ZEIT, offered another shocking view.

The era of single family homes in new buildings is over

– He said.

Wave of criticism against the Green Party

According to the leader of the regional group CSUThe Greens “have discovered the home of the same family as their new enemy.”

Behind this left-wing ideological struggle against the monarchy. Instead of promoting and protecting ownership, the Greens prefer to forfeit, confiscate, and ban

– He said

The president also spoke in the same vein CDU In Thuringia Christian Shepherd.

Anton Hofreiter shows again, as an example of green policy, their uneasy attitude towards property and the realities of life in rural areas. The political left has never thought about private property and the aspirations of millions of families. We are heading towards Green Taboo Feast with single-family homes as the enemy

He said.

The Greens’ controversial views were summed up by the president CDU In Hamburg and a member of the Bundestag Christophe Bloss.

Banning, manipulation and state trusteeship: This is what defines the policy of protecting the green economy and the climate

When it seems to us that the point of absurdity has been reached long ago, pro-green politicians are giving us more and more ridiculous ideas. It is scary to think of what area of ​​our lives would be the next victim of green “progress”.

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