Kacper Wiatr, a student at the Technical School of Digital Communication and Multimedia in Szczecin, as well as Zuzanna Bakun and Roksana Ogrodnik from School Complex No. 2 in Stargard, did their best in the Know Your Rights at Work competition. They have already received awards at the local labor inspectorate in Szczecin, and on April 28 they will begin the central stage of the struggle in Warsaw.

High school students take part in the Know Your Rights at Work competition. Fifty-six people qualified for the provincial stage. The finalists had to face an online test with as many as thirty-five questions – their authors were labor inspectors: Karolina Zisek and Maciej Kwiatkowski. Konrad Bacharek, the district’s labor inspector, also participated in the jury. Time was an additional criterion for determining the occupied deposit, with the same number of points.

It was worth trying

Casper Witter scored the most points, and was also the fastest. Behind him were the students of School Complex No. 2 in Stargard: Zuzana Bakun and Roxana Ogrodnik. Now the three will compete in the national stage of the competition, which will be held on April 28 in Warsaw. Young labor law experts will take a multiple-choice test at the Copernicus Science Center, which includes up to 50 questions, 20 of which are of an increasing difficulty level.

– I must admit that I prepared a lot. A week before the competition, I was reading and repeating the material and taking the tests every day. When I heard about the competition, I thought to myself: I could try – said Kacper Wiatr, prepared by Tadeusz Skin, right after receiving the awards at the local Chamber of Commerce in Szczecin.

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Stargard winners: Zuzana Bacon and Roxana Ogrodnik were taken under her wing by Siluya Czupala, a health and safety educator.

– Certainly, the knowledge I gained will be useful to me in the future, when I need to look for a job. You’ll also be able to tell your family or friends what to expect and what to expect — says Zuzana Bacon, also a Blue Stargard soccer player and writing enthusiast. – The career of a football player or any athlete ends at the age of thirty-five, and yet you have to live on something, hence the idea of ​​studying forensic medicine, investing in knowledge. I’m so glad we and Roxana have reached the next stage – two girls from one school!

Now the final is in Warsaw

Roksana Ogrodnik first entered the competition. Last year, she missed a few points on the podium. This year she was great – she took third place.

– What happened a year ago did not discourage me, but on the contrary motivated me to work. I do not hide that I was surprised by this third place, I did not think that I would go far – said Roxana Ogrodnik.

Now, young people from our region will face the winners of the district stages in Warsaw. There is not only a test ahead of them, but also a little fun, incl. Displayed at the Planetarium Copernicus Science Center.

It should be noted that the purpose of the competition, which has been organized by the National Labor Inspectorate for many years, is to popularize knowledge among high school students about labor protection, occupational health and safety, labor legality and other profitable business. The competition is organized in schools participating in the implementation of the educational program “Safety Culture”.

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