More than 30 world leaders are confirmed by the head of the Presidential International Policy Office, Krzysztof Szczierski President Andrzej Duda, congratulations on the anniversary of the May 3 constitution.

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Andrzej Duda receives congratulations from the world on May 3rd

The President of the United States wrote, “On behalf of the people of the United States, I welcome you wholeheartedly and congratulate you on the Constitution Day celebrated by Poland.” Joe Biden. As he pointed out, since the constitution was adopted on May 3, 1791, the Poles have faced many challenges, but “have persevered in becoming stronger and more resilient, giving hope and inspiration to people around the world. The politician emphasized that the United States values ​​Poland as an“ ally, friend, and partner ”. As members NATO We believe that commitment to democracy and human rights is the basis of a strong partnership, “affirming the will to cooperate with Poland” to enhance stability, security and economic opportunities in Europe. “

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In turn, the German President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, in a letter to Andrzej Duda, indicated that the Constitution of May 3 was “a milestone in the history of Europe.” As he pointed out, “It was the first modern constitution on the European continent and an expression of the social and political changes that occurred during the Enlightenment,” and “paved the way for the liberal-democratic value system in Europe, which forms the basis of our European Union today.” Germany, as a close partner, is working intensively. At the heart of this European alliance. (…) We celebrate this special Polish-German Quarter this year on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Friendly Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation on June 17, 1991 “Work for this good neighborhood is with you also in the future. To congratulate me, I would like to add my best wishes for a prosperous future for Poland on Conditions of peace, security and prosperity. All the best for you personally, “writes Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

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He also sent congratulations Wadimir Putin. “Please accept your wishes on the occasion of Poland’s National Day – Constitution Day on May 3. I wish you health and success, and all Polish citizens – prosperity and prosperity” – wrote the President of Russia. In turn, Xi Jinping stressed that “since last year, when China and Poland help each other and fight the epidemic side by side, our bilateral relations have been continuously developing, and our practical cooperation has given a new lease of life.” Leader chin He stressed that he attaches great importance to the development of Polish-Chinese relations.

According to the chancellor of the president, on May 3, the presidents of Estonia Christian Kaliulide, Latvia Eagles-Levitt, Lithuania Gitanas Nauseda and Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will come to Warsaw at the invitation of Andrei Duda.