According to Forbes, the pandemic is responsible for the fact that the former US president dropped out of the US’s richest list this year for the first time in a quarter of a century. According to the newspaper, the value of Donald Trump’s assets decreased by 600,000. dollars, which is enough not to be included in the statement. In 2020, the businessman and politician were still in 339th place.

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This year, he’s going to be on the list with about $400 million. Forbes estimates Trump’s current net worth at $2.5 billion.

Donald Trump has been on the list of the 400 richest Americans continuously since 1996, when he was named 368th. In the years 1997-2016 he was in the top half of the ranking. The decline began in 2016, when the billionaire was elected President of the United States. In 2015, Forbes calculated his fortune at $4.5 billion.

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The Trump House has stressed repeatedly during his presidency that it costs him billions of dollars. Meanwhile, critics accused him of using the position for profit.

For the fourth time in a row, founder and CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, topped the Forbes list with a net worth of approximately $201 billion. The second is Elon Musk, among others Tesla and SpaceX, whose assets Forbes estimates at $ 190 billion, and the third – Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg with assets estimated at more than $134 billion.

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