The Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sports announced Saturday that the Royal Castle in Warsaw, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the castle’s reconstruction, is preparing a commemorative film that will evoke the atmosphere of a nationwide group and the solidarity of the Poles.

As indicated in the Facebook post, “The personal testimony of those who took part in the reconstruction can best convey a beautiful story about loneliness.

They were thanked by the Citizens’ Committee for the Reconstruction of the Royal Castle in 1971-1984 Therefore, if you have the above-mentioned diploma at home or know someone who obtained it, be sure to write to the Royal Castle in Warsaw – appealed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

As it was noted, “the film that will be produced will be a form of thanks to all the donors”, because – as has been assured – “had it not been for their dedication, the castle would not have existed.”

– In addition, all those who have received Thanks can visit the castle and all temporary exhibitions for free with family or friends upon presentation of the original or a copy of the diploma at the box office “- it was written. It will continue until the end of 2024 – we read on FB MKDNiS.”

The decision to rebuild the Royal Castle in Warsaw after the war, funded by social contributions, was made on January 19, 1971 by the Politburo of the United Polish Workers’ Party Central Committee led by Edward Gercke. On January 26, 1971, the inaugural meeting of the Civic Committee for the Reconstruction of the Royal Castle was held in Warsaw, which was to guide work and fund-raising.

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The celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the royal castle’s reconstruction has been planned for a period of four years – from 2021 to 2024, when the building was commissioned in its unfinished state and the fortieth anniversary of its opening to the public. During this period, the royal castle will organize events that refer to the historical past and promote current activity.

President Andrzej Duda assumed the honorary patronage of the jubilee, and Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sports Piotr Glensky became chairman of the honorary committee of ceremonies.

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