Zielona Góra, Gorzów Wielkopolski and Bydgoszcz are located 500-600 km from Lublin, and in addition, the roads in eastern Poland have not had a good opinion among drivers over the years. Hardly anyone wanted to travel to an entirely different part of the country, and wasted nearly half a day on training trips. Ultimately, Yaroslav Humpel decided to take such a step, having covered the tired road several times this season.

What does the player think about constantly traveling from Leszno to Lublin? – Mobility does not matter. Today we have very good roads, and besides that, the many years spent in the sport have taught me to endure long journeys – sometimes much longer than those from Leszno to Lublin, so there’s nothing to discuss here, and there’s no problem getting around. In Lublin, I feel completely adapted, distance from the other centers just doesn’t matter – admit it.

Leszno and Lublin are approximately 550 km away. Therefore, it is easy to calculate that Hampel had to travel more than 3,800 kilometers only for home games. However, the transportation of the 38-year-old highway racer, to some extent, opened traffic to Lublin. Before this season, players from other parts of the country also joined the Lublin squad – we’re talking Krzysztof Buczkowski from Grudziądz or Dominik Kuber from Leszno. For all of them, travel to home training and matches will be far more stressful than the vast majority of away matches.

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Residents of Lublin are aware of a certain inconvenience to their players, and it was not by chance that before the transition period there was information that Bartosh Zumrzelik was tempted by Motor not only with a huge salary, but also to solve the problems of moving to training by rental. Plane every time.

Another thing is that motorcyclists are used to covering really great distances. It turned out last year that Niels-Christian Everson’s team had traveled 640,000 km by bus in the past six years! At the height of the season, the racer led four leagues and also competed in the Grand Prix, covering more than 100,000 kilometers each year between Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden and Poland.