President of Iran, Hassan RouhaniOn Wednesday, the country’s problems with the United States will be easy to solve as long as Joe Biden sticks to the commitments he made during the campaign.

Rouhani’s optimistic statements before the weekly cabinet contradict the Supreme Leader’s speech the previous day, Ayatollah Ali KhameneiWhich charted a more difficult path for normalization and lifting of sanctions.

But Rouhani, who negotiated the nuclear deal with the Obama administration in 2015, insisted that the complications of new negotiations would not occur as long as US President-elect Bideth, committed to his obligations.

Rouhani said that it is “easy to solve the problem” provided the United States government commits itself to mutual respect and distances itself from a record. Donald TrumpIt provided compensation for the impact of the sanctions on the Iranian economy. The compensation issue could be difficult for the Biden administration, depending on the sums requested.

By contrast, Khamenei said that “the path to lifting sanctions and years of negotiations” has not been completed, adding that “it is unlikely that there will be a rapid opening from the outside.”

The discrepancy may reflect real political differences or simply Rouhani’s desire to justify the signing of the nuclear deal, a decision that has fueled his political enemies and will feature heavily in the presidential election in June.

Early progress in talks between the United States and Iran It is more likely to help reformist candidates if this progress is felt at home Iran By the time the presidential campaign begins. The Supreme Leader can actually screen all of the candidates.

Rouhani said, “The reason for Trump’s failure is his wrong foreign policies, wrong health policies, and his racist military action. He was not trusted by everyone and continued in his demagogic and popular behavior, and thank God that the American people and the peoples of the region are torn from this evil … Even he did not allow 5 Billions of dollars in international aid to reach Iran to fight the Coronavirus.

He added, “We hope that the next US government will clearly condemn Trump’s policies against Iran and compensate for the wrong policies implemented by the previous US government in the past four years.”

He pledged that Iran would take reciprocal measures regarding any steps the US government would take. If the new rulers in the United States are determined to reduce tensions, respect the Iranian nation and international pledges, then “the solution to the problem is very easy and Iran and the United States can decide to return to the terms of January 20, 2017. [the date of Trump’s inauguration]He added, “The main knot can be loosened by persistence.”

He portrayed Trump’s defeat as a victory for the Iranian resistance. One of the manifestations of Iran’s victory and the defeat of the enemy in the economic war between the two countries was the end of the Trump era.

I thank the Iranian people for their resistance that lasted three years in the economic war. In Iran we had two sacred defenses, one against Iraq and the other against Trump.

There are no direct diplomatic relations between Iran and the United States, but a nuclear deal agreed upon between Tehran, Washington, and other world powers in 2015 – negotiated while Barack Obama was in the White House, and Biden was his deputy – saw bilateral tensions fading to a minimum. Level in decades.

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Trump unilaterally withdrew the United States from this agreement in May 2018 and launched a “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran with sanctions that plunged its economy into a deep recession.

Additional report by AFP