Update: It looks like Valve has already solved the morning woes. Thus, Counter-Strike is back on the Steam store and it can be downloaded from there without any problems. Additionally, many other previously deleted items have also been restored, so it looks like the cleanup done a few hours ago was a result of an error rather than an intentional act.

Original news: Tuesday morning he greeted the players with a decidedly unusual sight. Want to see the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tab in the Steam store? Well, don’t look for it, you won’t find it – CS: GO is all of a sudden gone. Instead, our eyes will see the following painting:

I mean, not quite literally, because you can still play – the servers are running, juggling works. Nothing has changed in this regard. However, the problem arises when someone who did not have a CS in their account before wants to install it. In this case, you need to use a clever trick and enter the command “steam: // install / 730” in the browser window, which should launch the installer. But going back to the heart of the problem, that doesn’t change the fact that Tuesday’s disappearance is surprisingly mysterious.

Both Valve’s social media and CS: GO are silent. At the moment, it is not known if today’s events were the result of some action related to the game or, for example, a human bug that temporarily hidden the address in the store. The fact that the servers continue to operate as always allows us to assume that this is only a temporary issue that will be resolved in the near future. In particular, according to the Steam database site, Counter-Strike isn’t the only item removed from Steam Store for reasons that aren’t clear.

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