– What happened to us? – He was asking Pope Francis Which encouraged Catholics on Friday to participate in the Saturday vigil and pray for peace in the Holy Land.

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The last biography of the Pope, Francesco, paints an intimate picture of the extraordinary papal service.

Pope Francis: We have broken thousands of pieces of what God created

The Pope emphasized the necessity of seeking forgiveness from God, while at the same time drawing attention to the need to forgive oneself – he writes Vatican News.

We have sinned against God and our brothers. We are divided. We have broken thousands of pieces that God created with love and tenderness

– Pope Francis said and referred to the “plague” whose effect is not limited to its spread virusBut also the selfishness and greed that make the poor poorer and richer. – If we have always needed the unity of Christians in mutual love, then today is more important than ever (…) Can the world today say about Christians “Look how they love each other” or can honestly say “See how they hate each other.” One of them the other? ”Or“ See them arguing ”? – He said.

Nyiragongo volcano eruption in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The lava has arrived at the airport, and people are running away

He encouraged Pope Francis on Friday Catholics Around the world to participate in prayer for peace in it The holy land, As part of Pentecost Eve. The event took place on Saturday at 4:00 pm in St. Peter’s Church. Steven.

I take this opportunity to ask all pastors of the Catholic Church and the faithful to unite spiritually in prayer. I hope that every community will pray for the Holy Spirit that Israelis and Palestinians find the path of dialogue and tolerance, and be patient builders of peace and justice, and be open, step-by-step, with a shared hope for coexistence between brothers and sisters.

The Pope said.

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Pope Francis: Nature has reached the end of its possibilities

Pope He also warned that “nature is reaching its limits as a result of human plunder.” He emphasized that this is the same humanity to whom “God has entrusted the care and fertility of the earth.”

on Friday Vatican News It was announced that Pope Francis has sent a message to Cardinal Peter Turkson, Governor of the Integrated Human Development Department, on the occasion of a virtual one-day conference on the challenges of the peoples of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific islands.

21 victims of an ultramarathon in China.  Pictured: rescuers' actionsChina. 21 participants were killed on the Ultramarathon

The Pope expressed his concern about the exposure of many peoples of the islands to “severe environmental and climatic changes, some of which are due to the unlimited exploitation of natural and human resources.” As a result, he added, they are not only suffering from environmental degradation, but also a kind of social degradation that is increasingly threatening their lives.