On Saturday, November 20, 2021, the sixth edition of the “Near Space” conference will be held at the Modern Knowledge Mill Center in Toruń. The event will be conducted in a hybrid format! The Near Space Conference is an annual meeting of people fascinated by flight into the atmosphere and experiments at altitudes of more than 30,000 metres.

conspiracy “near spaceIt is a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience – a conference and workshops for pupils, students, teachers and supporters of the topic. “Near space” is where not many people can stay. These are military jet pilots and astronauts. There has also been a group of enthusiasts who, with a little investment, are exploring the surroundings closer to Earth with great creativity and efficiency day in and day out.

The Near Space Conference is a non-commercial event. Participation in all attractions is usually not associated with any cost to participants. Each year, the conference was accompanied by workshops that took place the day before, on a Friday. Pupils, students and teachers enthusiastic about near space research met there. Last year, the workshop was not held due to the pandemic.

This year, the organizers plan to hold workshops, but at the moment there are no details, except for the information that “registration – soon”. The same applies to the “Near Space Hackathon”, which was scheduled to accompany this year’s edition of the conference. There are no details here either, except for the information that “Registration – Coming Soon”.

Saturday conference starts at 10:00. There will be 5 presentations and 1 discussion session throughout the day, followed by 10 minute question and answer sessions.

  • Krzysztof Boguid And Peter Franschak (Both Poland) will present the topic “Cloudless Cloud – Drone in the Stratosphere. From Idea to Regular Flights in Near Space.”
  • Jaroslav Orbar (Czech) opowie o “The effects of space weather on the atmosphere”.
  • Milan Megovic (Serbia) przestawi temat “Property rights and exploration of outer space”.
  • Jacob’s Nightmare (Slovakia) – He will talk about what Slovakia is doing in space in a speech entitled “Go boldly… – Slovakia in space.”
  • a Laszlo Baxardi (Hungary) – will display the galactic route into space: “Hungary in space: higher and higher” |
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The conference will end with an hour-long discussion session from 16:00 to 17:00, where two topics will be discussed:

  1. Aerospace Business Board: What are the opportunities for the Polish space sector?in which they will participate Krzysztof Kanoka (Blue Dot Solutions, Space3ac), Jędrzej Kowalewski (Scanway) and Dr. Jacob Ryzenko (Crisis Information Center CBK PAN).
  2. painting “V4+’s Role in the Space Race”, Laszlo Baxardi, Milan Megovic and Yaroslav Orbar will discuss the role of the Visegrad nations in the conquest of space.

Conference organizers are Modern Knowledge Mill Center And Copernicus Project Foundation.

The following people are responsible for the sixth edition of the Near Space Conference Macyj Jakimik (radio amateurs [SP2SGF], hot air balloon pilot, promoter of the idea of ​​near space in Poland since 2005; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Copernicus Project Foundation), Marcin Sintkowski (mill of modernity knowledge center Torun), Marzina Yakimek (linked to the activities of the Copernicus project since the beginning of 2004) and Przemyslav Kwiatkowski (The modernity of knowledge center mill).

The Program Committee consists of Jędrzej Górski (PhD student at Wrocaw University of Science and Technology, founder of the Wroclaw Space and Aviation Group (WSAG), a cross-faculty research group implementing the FREDE (FREon Decay Experiment) project studying the phenomenon of CFC (freons) decay in the stratosphere, at CBK PAN , was awarded a scholarship to the Polish Science Foundation in the in-house computer project) and Mariusz T.Kłoda (Assistant in the Department of Commercial Law, Maritime Law and Civil Procedure at Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń – UMK). Secretary of the Polish Space Law Working Group (Center for Space Studies, Kosminsky University in Warsaw), member of the Scientific Council of the scientific journal Ad Astra. Research program on astronomical policy and space law. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the blog “Prawo i Kosmos – Prawo Kosmiczne”, consultant for a program called “Radio Planet i Komet” at Polish Radio Pomorza and Kojawi, former collaborator of “Planetarium – Toruń”. More information in the biography.

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will run the conference Radek Grabarc (IT journalist, always fascinated by space, cosmic exploration and astronautics. Maker of YouTube channel and podcast We Need More Space. Organizer of space conferences throughout Poland).

The organizers invite you to follow the profile Near Space Conference on Facebook.

Media sponsorship of the event is hosted by: Kosmonauta.net, Space24 and We Need More Space.

Honorary sponsorship of the event is held by CBK PAN and the Polish Space Agency POLSA.

To participate in the conference you must registration.

Źródło: Near Space Conference

Pawe Z. Grochowalski