Manchester United They have been subjected to a cyber attack on their systems, but they say they are not “currently aware of any breach of personal data associated with our fans and customers.”

The club, which hosts West Bromwich Albion in Old Trafford on Saturday, confirmed the breach on Friday evening and said all systems needed for the match were still safe.

“Manchester United can confirm that the club has experienced a cyberattack on our systems. The club has taken swift action to contain the attack and is currently working with expert advisors to investigate the incident and minimize the ongoing disruption of IT,” United said in a statement.

“Although this is a complex process by organized cyber criminals, the club has comprehensive protocols and procedures in place for such an event and has trained for this possibility. Our cyber defenses have identified the attack and halted affected systems to contain damage and protect data.

The media channels of the club, including our website and app, will not be affected and we are not currently aware of any breach of personal data related to our fans and customers.

“We are confident that all the platforms required for the matches to be played at Old Trafford remain safe and functional and that tomorrow’s match against West Bromwich Albion will proceed.”

A club spokesman added, “This type of attack is becoming more and more common and it’s something you have to practice.”

United reported the Information Commissioner’s office and added that a forensic tracing was underway in an attempt to determine more details about the attack.

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