Agence France-Presse provided this summary of the current situation of Covid-19 in Europe:

The European Union’s Disease Control Agency has joined frenzied health workers to sound the alarm about an increase in coronaviruses across the continent, as the World Health Organization has warned of a “massive” increase in infections.

Even countries that avoided severe outbreaks during the first wave of infections in Europe in the spring saw their case numbers spike. GermanyThe death toll passed 10,000 on Saturday.

Governments have reintroduced containment measures to slow the renewed spread of the virus in countries that only weeks ago believed they had defeated the crisis.

But residents tired of social isolation and economic hardship opposed the new restrictions, including overnight clashes. ItalyThe city of Naples was hit hard by police and hundreds of protesters.

distance Spain Becomes the first European country to officially record 1 million cases of Covid-19 Earlier this week, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said Friday that the true number of infections may be more than three times that number.

France Spain, which crossed the million mark on Friday, followed a daily new record in Germany with 15,000 new cases, as health authorities urged the public to follow social distancing measures.

Urgent new restrictions on daily life have come into effect in several countries, with France extending the curfew to 46 million people.

Wells It went into full lockdown Friday evening, a day later Ireland Close while Poland The nationwide “red zone” has adopted the closure of imposing partial closures of primary schools and restaurants.

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Just SwedenShe, who became notorious for refusing to lockdown earlier this year, has continued to hang on to her guns despite the high number of cases.

Belgium It experienced one of the most deadly outbreaks per capita in Europe and found itself experiencing some of the highest rates of second wave infection in Europe.

“We are lost. We are exhausted. We are feeling bitter,” said Benoit Messet, head of the intensive care unit at the University Hospital in Liège, where many of his staff have to work despite being positive – if they are not showing symptoms.