“Wikopalyska” is an autobiographical drama that shows the setting of 1939 from the perspective of an English widow. At one point, she and her husband bought land with several piles. Upon completion of the purchase, they dreamed that they will discover the secrets these hills hide. But life brutally fulfilled their common plans. Years pass, and our heroine Edith Pretty (Carrie Mulligan) hires Basil Brown (Ralph Fiennes), an amateur archaeologist, who will help her achieve her goal.

The BBC’s co-production, which debuted at the end of January 2021 on the Netflix platform, tells of traffic in many areas. You can feel this process historically – you can feel the gravity of its demise through excavations of the same name and observe the current struggle of the main character; Whether it is with your widowhood or your current health condition. So the obvious isn’t a lightweight Sunday afternoon spot.

In proportion to UK Public Broadcasting Corporation productions, we have a strong reflection of the era with sets, costumes and music that reflect the film’s atmosphere. The actors have nothing to be ashamed of. Ralph Fiennes, a self-taught archeology player with proletarian grace, holds the shovel in his worn out hands. It is credible and adds cruelty to the story. However, the priority GAR is held by Carrie Mulligan and her character – Edith Pretty. The actress, who gave the impression that she was playing an episodic role, merged into the character of a young widow, showing her great artistic talent that had been noticed for years. Sometimes he gets overwhelmed by a titled colleague.

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Unfortunately, inexperienced director Simon Stone (this is his second production on his account) with screenwriter Moira Bovigny presented an unnecessary melodramatic plot related to the heroine played by Lily James, which unfortunately spoils the entire reception of the film. These events were not reflected in reality and perhaps the creators’ intent was to set the pace for the entire story. Unfortunately, this procedure makes it difficult for me to rate the movie. You can see that the scenes are coercive and that they spoil the magic of the entire production. The pattern of these events leads to a loss of the pace and uniqueness of history. I am sorry about that
Creative people forget the good old rule of “less is more”.