The Belarusian University in Exile in Vilnius, the European University of Human Sciences, has called on the international community to take action to free her 23-year-old student, Sophia Sapega. And she was arrested on Sunday in Minsk with the Belarusian dissident Raman Pratasevich.

The statement read: “Sophia Sabega is a citizen of the Russian Federation and a student in the integrated study program“ International Law and European Union Law. ”After returning from leave with a young man, Sophia planned to defend her master’s thesis in Vilnius. From the European University of Human Sciences. It is reported that Sophia “has emerged in the university community for her impeccable academic performance and reputation.”


“The university insists on providing immediate consular assistance to Sofia.”

“The EHU community strongly condemns the impunity of the Belarusian authorities and demands that Belarus respect its international obligations and guarantee the rights and freedoms stipulated in the Belarusian constitution for citizens. We are in solidarity with all Belarusians illegally detained and politically persecuted. We are protesting the unjustified detention of Sophia Sabega, a member of the EHU community. “. – I wrote the university. “The university insists on providing immediate consular assistance to Sofia,” she added. We read: “In addition, EHU is calling on international partners, donors and human rights defenders to assist in Sophia’s release. The university remains in contact with the student’s family.”

Compulsory landing and arrest of opponents

Sophia Sabega and Raman Bratasevic – Belarusian opposition activist, journalist and blogger – were on board Ryanair’s Athens-Vilnius flight, which had to land in Minsk on Sunday due to alleged explosives on board. They were held there.

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The European University of Human Sciences, which has been operating in Vilnius for 16 years, is the only university in the world that uses the Belarusian language as the language of instruction. Students expelled from universities in Belarus because of their activities or political views.

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