Mariusz Kamiński told in an interview with the weekly “Sieci” that the Polish-Belarus border A wall made of tangle of wires It is only a temporary solution. The Polish government plans to install the so-called perimeter, that is, a system of motion sensors with thermal imaging cameras. The new dam is to accurately report the number and location of illegal immigrants gathering.

An ocean on the Polish border

Kaminsky admitted that the theoretical work on the installation of the system is about to be completed, and soon the government will begin to install it. – The point is to delay and make crossing the border more difficult – Explains the reasons for investing in the new dam, the head of the Ministry of Interior and Administration.

– After the talks, we are among the most important people responsible for the security of the state – I’m talking about Prime Minister Morawiecki and Prime Minister Kaczynski – about building a permanent barrier that will be very difficult to cross – Kaminsky added.

The Minister of Home Affairs and Administration said that during the conceptual work on the new barrier, “all the patterns used in Europe – from Greece, through Hungary, through Serbia and Spain” were analyzed. The Ministry of Interior and Administration is in the process of finalizing the process of analyzing field conditions and calculating costs. – A political decision was made to secure the appropriate funds – Kaminsky informed.

What is the circumference

The politician also explained what the ocean is.

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– There will be a lot of electronics. The so-called perimeter – a system of motion sensors equipped with thermal imaging cameras that instantly show precisely where the number of people gathered. Firstly, it will be very difficult to bypass this barrier, and secondly, information will be transmitted to our guards instantly with each attempt, and they will react instantly – said Kaminsky, adding that the new dam will be much higher than the new one. Present.

– If I have to compare with those already in other countries, said the minister, they are closest to those on the Greek-Turkish border.

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