Madeleine Albright’s funeral was held at Washington National Cathedral on Wednesday, April 27. Among the attendees were, among others, the current President of the United States, Joe Biden, former presidents Barack Obama with his wife or Bill Clinton with his wife, US senators and politicians.

Biden gave a farewell speech. He said the deceased’s name has become synonymous with the idea that America is “a force for good in the world.” “Today we pay tribute to a truly proud American who made us all proud to be Americans,” he said.

Madeleine Albright He was born in Prague, in what was then Czechoslovakia. Graduated from Johns Hopkins University Graduate School of International Studies. Later she joined Columbia University in New York. There I received my master’s and doctorate degrees in public and government law.

Who was Madeline Albright?

At the university’s Russian Institute, he was a student of Zbigniew Brzeziński (Polish-born American diplomat and strategist, National Security Adviser to President Jimmy Carter in 1977-1981 – ed.).

During his lectures, Brzezinski noted Albright’s diplomatic talent, which explored Soviet policy in Central and Eastern Europe. Her interest in Soviet science was instilled by her father. Albright was also the only person who had access to Brzezinski’s memoirs from the White House.

The second person was after many years the professor. Patrick Vaughan, Lecturer at the Institute of American Studies and the Polish Diaspora at Jagiellonian University, is also the author of Brzeziński’s first licensed autobiography. The political scientist was the first to give him access to his entire archive.

Albright’s career in diplomacy sparkled in 1996, when Bill Clinton was elected president for the second time. At the beginning of the following year, the US Senate gave a favorable opinion of her candidacy for the position of Secretary of State. The experience gained at the United Nations meant that Albright was prepared for her new role. The senators unanimously endorsed it. It is an extremely rare case that the Senate has strongly endorsed a presidential candidate.

Madeleine Albright played an important role in the expansion of NATO, including to Poland. On March 12, 1999, it received documents of accession from the foreign ministers of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. From that moment on, Poland became a full member of NATO. Apparently, her idea was for the celebration to take place in Independence, Missouri. Independence from English means independence.

However, she actually arrived in Warsaw five years ago as the US ambassador to the United Nations. Together with US General John Shalikashvili, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, they persuaded Poland to join NATO in a quick way. This was the “Partnership for Peace” style, gradually integrating the Polish army into the structures of the Alliance.

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