More than 100 countries are expected to participate in the summit. This event will take place on the 9th and 10th of December this year. The guest list, however, is not without controversy. One of the countries involved is the Philippines, where the president said he was “not interested in human rights”. Iraq was invited as one of the few countries in the Middle East.

Analysts point out that inviting these countries is linked to US geopolitical goals. – Certainly, strategic considerations related to creating a competition with China played an important role in inviting India or the Philippines, which are close to China, which have problems with democracy, commented Reuters analyst Amy Hawthorne of Project on Middle East Democracy.

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Poland at the top of democracy

to the top Hungary was not invited. Poland is supposed to be present, but our country is among those whose invitation raises the suspicion of human rights activists around the world.

According to Reuters, Poland received a letter containing questions about the rule of law and suggestions for measures that would show that it cares about democratic values. He cites a Polish government source who received the content of the letter as a condition of participation in the event.

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One of the issues the US administration was raising in its letter to Poland was about gay rights in Poland.

US officials told Reuters, without revealing their identity, that they did not dictate any conditions, but called on the countries invited to make pledges to take action.

“If this summit is going to be more than just a meeting, then every participant, including the United States, must commit to democracy and the rule of law,” said Annie Boyagin, analyst at Freedom House.

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Source: Reuters