Thursday, September 23, 2021 17:59, By Alexander Peskoors

What will you do in this direction?

The UK government has released its 10-year plan to make the country a true superpower in the field of artificial intelligence. In this way, Great Britain is a kind of throwing gloves on China and the United States. The National Technical Intelligence Strategy is a plan that aims to increase the use of tailored algorithms in local businesses.

And not only.

Great Britain relies on artificial intelligence

In the official statement regarding the plan, we can read that the UK is laying the foundations for the development of artificial intelligence for another ten years. The British want to use the full potential of artificial intelligence and make it play a major role in the development of many sectors of the economy.

The new plan includes a number of programs and initiatives, including research grants to improve and improve certain technologies. Great Britain assumes that London will become the center of artificial intelligence. However, this was to be expected.

Foot. Aron van den Pol – Unsplash

In addition to developing algorithms, the UK also wants to educate the public in artificial intelligence and an interest in the safe use of emerging technologies. According to data from the World Intellectual Property Organization, between 1998 and 2017, the United States filed more patent applications related to artificial intelligence than any other country. China came in second with 41,000 patents, and Great Britain came in second with… 2,000. This just shows the gap between the British in competition with the United States and China. At least for the moment.

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The former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, said that China is striving to achieve real dominance in the use of artificial intelligence, as well as the innovation itself directly related to artificial intelligence.

There is nothing else to do but watch this situation and wait for the exact step that the British must take with regard to new ideas and real use of the potential of the described technology.

One thing is for sure: things will happen.

Source: / Photo Giamarco –