Comfortable and cozy bedroom – why is it important?

We spend at least a third of our lives in the bedroom. This is how long we sleep. Some people also like to read in bed. It is also a place for intimacy with a loved one. Therefore we should not leave such an important place to chance or arrange it without a thought. Whether or not we get enough sleep depends on what the bedroom looks like. This, in turn, affects our entire lives – effectiveness at work, health, and even whether our spine is unharmed after waking up. After a good night’s sleep, we had a better mood and more energy. People who do not get enough sleep are not only at risk of fatigue, but also at risk of decreased immunity. A well-decorated bedroom is not just a matter of aesthetics – your health depends on it.

We should sleep an average of eight hours every day. Ideally, it should be an uninterrupted sleep rather than a nap interrupted by periods of restlessness. If you have trouble sleeping, start by changing the mattress – it’s the most important part of your bedroom. Your health and well-being begins with it.

Arranging the bedroom. Four elements in a well-decorated bedroom

The focal point of any bedroom is, of course, where to sleep. In the case of the bed itself, it is worth focusing on a design that is pleasing to the eye, and at the same time functional. How to arrange a bedroom to keep the largest possible storage space? Most women will appreciate, for example, an enclosed bed – one that has an extra space under the mattress to store spare bedding or pillows. In general, solutions that allow to maintain order and at the same time make the most of the available space, are a useful solution. However, the most important component is not the bed in the bedroom, but the mattress on it.

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Photo: Magniflex

It is up to him whether or not you get enough sleep, whether it is comfortable, but also whether your spine will rest during the night. A well-chosen mattress guarantees a good night’s sleep and a better mood. Which mattress to choose? Best Patented Medical Certified Foam Product. These high-quality, practical and eye-pleasing mattresses with a sophisticated Italian design, offered by, for example, the company Magniflex. A function that guarantees high rest comfort, as well as pro-health, is something sacred to Italians. One example is the patented Magnistretch Mattress which relaxes and regenerates the spine when you sleep. And if you sleep in two, everyone can choose the durability of your preferred mattress in the Double Comfort option. So you sleep together, but each one their own way.

And another very important detail related to the bed – the mattress. If it is of good quality, with a thick cotton weave, the difference is big. You will feel it as you fall asleep. In the bed prepared this way, sleeping is pure pleasure.

Photo: Magniflex

When planning a renovation, also consider the color of the interior. Light tones and pastel shades of soft, warm colors work best in a bedroom. A good option is, for example, beige, latte, or pale lavender. These are the colors that soothe and calm nerves – this is what you dream about when you finally go to bed after a hard day.

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The lighting in the bedroom should not only be warm, but also diffused. Instead of a ceiling lamp that gives intense light, it is better to choose wall lamps and bedside lamps that will help you decorate your bedroom elegantly. Not only will it make it easier for you to fall asleep, but it will also allow you to create a more comfortable and intimate atmosphere.

The fourth most important component of the perfect bedroom is its functionality. How to arrange a bedroom to be practical? A good bedroom arrangement means both arranging the furniture so you don’t stumble upon it at night, as well as clever storage and wardrobes that allow you to create the impression of an organized space. Marie Condo, author of The Magic of Cleaning recommends absolute simplicity when it comes to rooms. The less clutter and dust collections, the more convenient the space. Of course, you have to keep all these clothes and bag sets somewhere – built-in cabinets with lots of shelves are best for this. These things will still be there, but out of your eyes. The best compromise!

To make people better – take care of your body

Photo: Magniflex

Leonardo da Vinci, artist, inventor and scientist, was a proponent of balance and harmony. The great thinker said, “Doctors who deal with patients must understand what a person is, what life is and what is health, and how balance and harmony between these elements support it.” It was clear to him that everything was connected. How does this relate to your dream bedroom? When organizing a bedroom, you should be like a good doctor creating, piece by piece, a space that works for you in every way. The bedroom has a huge impact on the body and mind. The better you arrange it, the more effective it is to take care of your well-being. Da Vinci’s opinions are followed by an Italian family business MagniflexBy making sure that the mattresses you make meet our needs in the best possible way. Spine comfort is especially important here, which is why the Italian manufacturer has collaborated with professionals in the field of physiotherapy, orthopedics and traumatology for nearly 60 years, creating patented foaming and functions. It can be used for correct choice of mattress Manufacturer component. In Poland, Italians offer a number of forms, shapes and degrees of hardness, so you can rejuvenate at the highest level every night. The guarantee of high quality is the material strength, environmental and medical certificates.

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