Spider-Man is coming to Disney +. Once upon a time … Mickey Mouse Corporation entered into a licensing agreement with Sony Pictures. It will be able to publish Netflix movies from Sony on its streaming platform.

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At the start of the month, we reported the licensing agreement between Sony and Netflix. Accordingly, all new productions of the first company (the upcoming “Spider-Man Universe 2”, “Uncharted” or “Morbius”) after the cinema distribution will go to the largest broadcasting platform in the world. The deal only applies to the United States, so it is not yet known what it will look like in other countries, including Poland.

However, as we know, Sony owns the personal rights (and entirely being) of Spider-Man, who is now appearing as a guest on the MCU.

Disney (to which Marvel Entertainment belongs) doesn’t like situations like this very much. Thanks to the purchase of Fox, even X-Meni and the Fantastic Four found themselves in the hands of the Mickey Mouse Company. Now it would be appropriate for the same thing to happen to Spider-Man. However, there is a long way to go.

Due to the contract between Sony and Netflix, Disney had to come to terms with second place in the battle for Spider-Man. As we read on Formal speech Mickey Mouse has signed a multi-year licensing agreement with Sony Pictures. It will go into effect in 2022 and will also apply to legacy products. Which means that the current Spider-Manas will likely go to Disney Plus after that.

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Contrary to appearances, both agreements are not mutually exclusive.

The issue will be that Sony’s films will first be distributed in cinemas. Then they go to home theater and Netflix media. Only then, according to the contract, will they appear on Disney Plus.

The new Spider-Man movies won’t appear on Disney Plus as soon as possible, but some time after their release on Netflix. The Mickey Mouse streaming platform is still not available in Poland, so it is difficult to anticipate its impact on the situation in our country.