– We have no problems with the United States, but they have a problem with us – he said And Vladimir Putin On Friday at the Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, he expressed hope that the upcoming summit in Geneva would ease tensions between Moscow and Washington.

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Vladimir Putin: The United States thinks it is so powerful that it can make mistakes

Vladimir Putin wrote that the United States is too self-confident BBC. – Do you know what the problem is? I will tell you about this as a former citizenمواطن Soviet Union. The problem with empires is that they think they are too strong to withstand minor mistakes and errors. But the number of problems is increasing. There comes a time that can’t be dealt with anymore. And the United States of America He said that they are following the Soviet Union with a firm and decisive step Russian President Vladimir Putin During a meeting with representatives of international news agencies at the International Economic Forum.

Former Ambassador: People will be caught in the streets and taken to Russia

Putin stressed that the blame for bad US-Russian relations lies with the United States. – It was not us who imposed sanctions against us, it was the United States that did it on every occasion and even without foundation, just for the existence of our country – he said AP. He also said he did not expect a major breakthrough in the upcoming meeting with Joe Biden in Geneva, but reassured him that he counts on working together to improve mutual relations.

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Geneva summit. The United States wants to restore stable relations with Russia

The first US-Russia summit will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 16. It will take place at the end of the planned trip President The United States to Great Britain to attend the Group of Seven summit and Brussels leaders meeting NATOThis will give him plenty of time to listen to US allies before the meeting put it in.

Nord Stream 2. Putin: The first thread is ready.  The gas pipeline will be completed by the end of the year.  Pictured, Russian President Vladimir Putin at the International Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg (June 4, 2021)Putin: The first line of Nord Stream 2 is ready. The gas pipeline will be completed by the end of the year

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement announcing the meeting that the summit would cover the “full range of problems” as the United States seeks to “restore stability” in relations with the United States. Rouge ±. The list of topics includes arms control, climate change, Russian military involvement in Ukraine, Russian hacking activities, and the attempted poisoning and imprisonment of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny. He writes that the Geneva summit will be one of the greatest tests of Biden’s political career BBC.