Retail sales in the so-called holiday season in the United States saw strong growth, supported by strong e-commerce, according to Reuters.


Foot. Walmart Corporation / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-2.0

MasterCard, one of the world’s leading credit and debit card payments companies, estimates that US retail sales grew 8.5 percent between November 1 and December 24, 2021. Year on year. Higher dynamics up to 11 percent. It was recorded in the case of sales via e-commerce channels, which, according to the authors of the Mastercard SpendingPulse report, once again highlights the change in shopping habits, which began strongly with the outbreak of the epidemic.

Importantly, this time consumers did not avoid traditional stores, as was the case in 2020. Sales in physical stores increased by 8.1%.

This year’s Christmas e-commerce sales accounted for 20.9%. Total retail sales.

The report emphasized the continued high interest of consumers in the sectors of electronics and jewelry products that are widely understood. In the first case, an increase of 16.2 percent was recorded. In the second, 32 percent.

When analyzing these optimistic results, we must not forget that the overall results – and the important ones at that – have also been affected by inflation.

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