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The idea of ​​shortening the week work Up to 32 hours is becoming more and more popular in many countries. In the United States, more and more companies are becoming interested in such a solution. Some of them actually test four days a week workOthers will start their own experiences in the near future.

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A four-day workweek increases employee productivity

Microsoft’s Japan branch shortened business hours in August 2019, before the outbreak of the pandemic. This unusual experiment included 2.3 thousand. employees. Effect? Their productivity increased by about 40 percent. – Report to the newspaperJapan Times“About 92% of employees gave a positive evaluation of the four-day work week.

Buffer decided to take a similar step. The company that produces channel management software announced on social media, mid-2020, that 89 employees will work four days a week by the end of 2020, and their salaries have not been reduced. According to the company’s management, the workers participating in the experiment worked more efficiently and were more satisfied with their work. – It was a godsend for us – he said in an interview with the magazine “Atlantic OceanEssence Muhammad, Customer Service Officer at Buffer.

The four-day working week will soon be tested by English-language crowdfunding platform Kickstarter – Site Reports Axios. The trial is scheduled to begin in early 2022, but it is not known how long it will last and how many employees will be covered.

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The Spanish government plans a four-day working week for everyone

Not only individual companies but entire countries are interested in shortening the weekly working time. Spain as the first country in the world Would you like to take such a test at the national level. The idea came from the small leftist Mas Pais party, which at the end of January submitted a bill on this issue to Parliament, but Spanish The government initially agreed to this proposal. Íñigo Errejón, president of the Más País party, has unveiled a plan under which the government will provide support to companies that will agree to join the three-year trial. Project details are currently under discussion.

According to proponents of the four-day workweek, this solution not only improves productivity, but also increases employee creativity and reduces stress levels. Research shows that this system of work is also beneficial climate. Platform London report showsThat Britain could cut CO2 emissions in this way wegla to the atmosphere by more than 20 percent.