Zmerzlik received the Hero Statue for the fifth time. Two years ago, when he won his first world title, he won, which made Robert Lewandowski’s fans cry. A year ago, he defended the title of world champion, but took only fifth place.

Now, despite taking “only” the silver in the Grand Prix series, he’s placed third. Interestingly, in 2018, when the motocross racer reached the world’s number one cum championship, he was sixth in the fan vote. – It just shows that Zmarzlik’s position in the hierarchy of Polish athletes is growing with each season – former top speedway racer and now expert Jan Krzyszniek pleased.

The third place for MUJI Bermuda superstar Staly Gorzo in the Olympic year should be appreciated twice. The top ten in the poll included the medalists of the Summer Olympics in Tokyo and the winner – Lewandowski and Zamarzlik. When Adam Czukzot, who presented the award, read Partik, Partek was surprised, but I think he’s also a bit “peasant,” as Zmerzlik called him for overall performance. Certainly, it corresponds to his laurels – explains Krzystyniak.

Partek had to realize the superiority of our football terminator – Lewandowski and the multiplayer of the world’s biggest hammer throw event – Anita Wilodarczyk. On the occupied field, he left, among others, Dawid Tomala and Wojciech Nowicki – other recent Olympic champions in athletics.

Zmarzlik also surpassed the silver spear – Maria Andrejczyk, or the mixed golden relay. Piotr Żyła did not reach the top ten, like many other Olympic medalists. It is possible that our jumper fell victim to the poor results of the entire team led by Michel Dolezal.

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The slag environment mustered once more and showed its formidable strength. Bartek on the “poodle” of this prestigious plebiscite is a big surprise plus he didn’t put gold around his neck, and in SoN our team dramatically surrendered to Great Britain. Let’s take a look at jumpers. They’re going through a worse period now and fans have put Stoch and the company on the sidelines for a bit. It is their misfortune to be in the starting rhythm as the celebration approaches. In the case of Bartik the opposite is true. I think if the tournament continues for one day, it will be difficult for him to break into the minds of the fans. And so he had many professions to prove his worth – assures Krzystyniak.

In particular, Krzystyniak is a staunch supporter of … athletics, so if there are no highway passengers in the poll, he will vote for one of the representatives of the Queen of Sports. – I always stress that I am a huge fan of her, and from Tokyo we brought a bag of medals for this competition. It is the most measurable and objective sport. There, it all depends on the player himself and his level. I absorb every competition on TV. I always feel deeply moved when our rep wins the discus, because I know getting it done is paid for by hard work. In the highway, the opponent is assisted by equipment and the man controls it. It can either raise it or completely submerge it. I chose Partek only because he is a representative of my beloved specialty, which I practiced myself – he explains it honestly.

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