We will have the opportunity to meet Sinfonietta Cracovia during the summer holidays under the auspices of the upcoming 7th edition Sinfonietta Festival And a unique project Thumbnail of Stanisław LimCelebrating the Polish Year of Lim. Science and music are seemingly distant worlds – in fact, filled with fascinating and often surprising interrelationships. – says Jurek Dyba, director of Sinfonietta Cracovia and creator of the project. As part of this year’s Sinfonietta Festival and project «Thumbnail of Stanisław Lim» Together with our listeners, we will try to trace the most exciting connections between the worlds of music, science and literature inspired by science – The latter at its best, because it’s Lemowski! – Diba adds.

Previously July 1 (Thursday) Sinfonietta Cracovia will open VII Sinfonietta Festival with a multidisciplinary concertموسيقي Musical antibodies – music and immunology, which will be honored with a multimedia lecture by distinguished guests associated with the Medical University of Vienna: Prof. Great Sibyl And the professor. Manfreda Hikinga, The authors of the famous Vienna series “Science Parties” Sounds and Science. And with them, listeners will have the opportunity to go on a musical journey through immunology and witness the medical history of some of history’s greatest composers! The concert program will include works Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Frederic Chopin and Dmitri ShostakovichWhich will be performed by Sinfonietta Cracovia under the supervision of another notable guest at this year’s edition: the internationally recognized Spanish wand master. Ricardo Casero, Technical Director of Orquesta Reino de Aragón.

Saturday July 3 It’s going to be a celebration of chamber music – there’s another version ahead of us room clubs – One of the main events of the Sinfonietta Festival, which gathers crowds of chamber music lovers in the branches and gardens of the National Museum in Krakow every year. intimate clubs It is a proposal that combines the traditional concert format with the spirit of clubs: five concerts held simultaneously in different locations by excellent Polish chamber troupes (Classical Strings, Sinfo Quartet, 2B3 Ensemble, Dafo Duo and binary Lolik / Panasyuk), which will culminate in the outdoor finals – this year with participation Massimo Merseligo – Prominent Italian flutist, director of the famous Emilia-Romagna Festival. The concert program will feature music highlights inspired by mathematics and other exact sciences, including works by Alexandra Borodina The best composer among chemists, known for his athletic flair Witold LutosławskiAnd the Antona Weberna – It’s called “The Crazy World of Music” or finally Jean Sebastian Bachwhose works are still enchanted by the extraordinary craftsmanship of the art of strict emphasizing, and were used by the authors of one of the cinematic interpretations of Lem’s novel Solaris. But that’s not all, we will listen to the closing ceremony in the palace of Bishop Erazem Syuchek Polish premiere two tracks Dedicated by Michael Neiman to Massim Merselli.

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on Sunday 4th of July We will meet again with Sinfonietta Cracovia in Sukiennice during the last concert of the Sinfonietta Festival with the subtitle «density». The physical phenomenon of sound. The Krakow Orchestra, led by its director, York Dibayaperform songs Jan Stefani, Anton Webern, Alexander Borodin, Franz Doppler, Wittold Lutoslavsky, and Krzysztof Penderek Highlighting their interdisciplinary contexts – from the theme of “The Miracle of Electricity” in Stephanie’s National Opera to the mathematical inspiration of the works of Webern and Lutosawski. The evening will celebrate a performance of Massimo Merseligo famous piece Density 21.5 On Fleet Solo Pura Edjara Varesego – A unique work composed by a Frenchman, commissioned by Georges Barrier on the occasion of the planned concert premiere of the platinum flute (both the title of the piece and its composition as well as the official distinctions indicate the density of this mineral, which is about 21.5 grams per cubic centimeter). During the concert, Sinfonietta Krakow will also perform the first show winning track Seventh International Competition for Composers Sinfonietta per Sinfonietta for string orchestra Theremin binding.

Just one week after the end of the Sinfonietta Festival, on Sunday July 11 The first two events of the project will take place Thumbnail of Stanisław Lim, celebrating the Polish year of one of the world’s greatest writers of this trend Science Fiction. Sinfonietta Cracovia will meet her youngest listeners and their parents in the Garden of Experiences. Stanisław Lem in Krakow during Musical outing all day long crowned Children’s concert fairy tale robots. The outdoor event program – which is organized in the format of a joint educational path for listeners and musicians – will include, among other things, compositions Camille Saint Sainsa, Juliusa X Ray, Billy Bartuca And the songs from the movie Mr. Clix in Space. Musical milestones will be accompanied by reading excerpts fairy tale robots Stanislav Lim – Fascinating stories connect the world of futuristic cosmic technology with the world of folk tales, where robots are the heroes and storytellers. There will also be educational games and science experiments using the garden exhibits! but that is not all! During the walk in the experimental garden, the results will be announced and the winning works in the art competition will be displayed. robots cartoons.

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Thursday July 15 A unique event will take place in the format that Krakow loves Live in concert mask / planets, during which Sinfonietta Cracovia and its listeners will not only enter the world of interconnectedness between music and science, but also embark on a fascinating journey through the world of film and music art. During the concert to be held in the Auditorium Krzysztof Penderecki in ICE Kraków, Sinfonietta Cracovia under the baton York Dibaya will present – For the first time ever with live music! Award-winning film based on Stanislaw Lim’s prose mask Directed by the Raseef Brothers. During the screening of the film, which was realized at the legendary Polish studio Se-Ma-For, the orchestra will perform its live vocal track – a stunning large-scale work by Krzysztof Penderecki De Natura Sonoris I. In the second part of the concert, we will hear the famous orchestra suite full of joy planets Gustav Holst – Work considered commonly One of the first compositions in contemporary film music style, which for decades inspired the genre’s greatest creators – incl. Hans Zimmer or John Williams (the latter was based on the motifs of Holst’s compositions, creating the film soundtracks from the series star Wars). Everyone

Of the seven parts of the composition, Holst named it one of the planets of the solar system and the astronomical characteristics that the composer assigned to it. Lem’s insightful prose, an excellent film set in a fantastic setting and a true cosmic scale of the legendary legend planet – There is no doubt about a wonderful adventure in the distant galaxies ahead!

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Co-financed by the Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sports from the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the “Music” program implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance.

The concert was held under the media sponsorship of the Polish Music Information Center POLMIC and RMF Classic.

Tickets: InfoKraków, Eventim, Tickets 24



