as we read, “Rzeczpospolita” has reached the poll About “Our approach to healthcare and related insurance implemented by ARC Rynek i Opinia in collaboration with the insurance company ERGO Hestia”.

Greater confidence in private clinics

“It turns out that nearly half of us (46%) use both the private and public sectors health serviceOnly 39 percent of government medical institutions, and 11 percent. It is only dealt with privately. This differentiation is consistent with the assessment of the quality of health care services. We have more confidence in private institutions, which are rated positively by 61 percent. Defendants ”- stated in the article.

It was added that “every fourth pole (24 percent) positively evaluates the quality of the services it provides public health service“.” Moderate satisfaction with Polish health services means that in the event of a serious illness, treatment abroad will be considered by 44 percent. from U.S. Almost every third (30%) find it difficult to comment on this, and 26% declare that they are not interested in such a possibility.

See also: Pole, heal yourself, that is, the positive effects of self-healing

The barrier is money and not knowing the language


Among the obstacles to traveling abroad for treatment abroad are costs, language barrier, problems related to organizing the trip, the main problem is the cost of treatment (67%), lack of language knowledge is a problem for 28% of respondents, lack of knowledge of foreign medical facilities. 25% of respondents mentioned it as an obstacle, and 22% mentioned it as organizing the trip. Moreover, 19% of respondents do not know who can help with this type of trip.” Rzeczpospolita reads.

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