The Japanese manufacturer has not decided to officially announce a new option intended for PS5, while the first players have already at night received information about the possibility of automatically transferring materials from the console to the application.

Sony has launched a feature that allows console players to automatically view and download clips developed for the PlayStation 5 to mobile devices. Motion works only on the latest console and allows you to transfer up to 3 minutes of material in 1080p resolution.

However, it is worth noting that the previously prepared images and game parts will not benefit from the new convenience, since the option takes into account only files that were created after you played them. Additionally, users can’t currently choose what they want to transfer manually to each device – Capture on PlayStation App transfers everything automatically.

Players interested in novelty should enable the option on PlayStation 5 and in the PlayStation app.

“Sony has finally added the ability to view and download screenshots and clips directly from the PlayStation app! #PS5”

The option presented is likely to interest PS5 customers who want to share screenshots as well as parts of the game on social media, and the automatic switching of screenshots is a certain convenience.

The functionality has so far been tested in Canada and Japan, while it has been made available overnight to other groups of recipients in the United States. It seems most likely that European players will check it out soon.

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