Systematic support for the internationalization of doctoral schools is the goal of internationalizing the STER program for doctoral schools, administered by the National Academic Exchange – MEiN which was recalled on Tuesday. As part of this call for proposals, 20 million PLN will be allocated.

The Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) said Tuesday on social media that applications for the STER program can internationalize doctoral schools until June 30. As part of the recruitment process, the National Academic Exchange Agency (NAWA) will allocate 20 million PLN. The maximum co-financing of the project may reach 2 million PLN.

MEiN informs that the program is aimed at Polish institutions running doctoral schools, as well as having experience admitting foreigners to studies, coordinating or participating in international doctoral student exchange programs.

“The aim of the program is to provide systematic support for the internationalization of doctoral schools, inter alia, in the field of improving the quality of education and research, and increasing the international mobility of doctoral students and faculty members. It is also assumed that the acquisition of doctoral students and promoters from abroad” – reads the Ministry of Science and Higher Education published on Resort side.

The effect is also to increase the international mobility of doctoral students and support long-term international cooperation for doctoral schools.

Detailed information about the program is available at: (PAP)

Author: Szymon Zdziebijowski

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