Rysard Dzidzic’s photo

Classes are for girls and boys from 2019 and up. The establishment of the Legia Schools Football Center is a continuation of the activities of the Football Schools of Legia across the Atlantic. Since 2018, in the United States (for example in New York, Boston, San Francisco), Legia Soccer Schools, which have been very popular, have been set up regularly. Now is the time for the year-round Legia Training Center in Garfield, which was opened in collaboration with SC Vistula, the oldest Polish club on the East Coast.

We have a very large Legia community among the Polish community in America, which, thanks to our club, feels an emotional connection with the country. After the organizational success of the camps, where we were very positively received by the children and parents, we decided to have a permanent presence in the New York area. We feel a connection between the largest Polish club and the citizens of the United States and hope to build lasting and positive relationships He said Director of Legia Football Schools, Adam Orlikowski.

Training sessions will be held at Garfield facilities. The opening of the center accompanied the celebration of the 70th anniversary of SC Vistula Garfield, founded by Polish immigrants. Take part in both celebrations Dariush Miodowski (President and owner of Legia Warszawa), Cesare Colisa (President of the Polish Football Association) and Entire Bortnikzuk (Minister of Sports). – Our friendship with Legia and work on improving the quality of football training has continued since 2018 and relates to many areas of activity of SC Vistula. I am happy to say today that we have a permanent center for Legia Soccer Schools, which will also support the development of young football players and coaches. – SC club president Vistula Garfield said, Dariush Wisowski.

Already at the beginning of our American project, we will accept about 200 children. The American coaches trained by us will conduct the classes according to the training system in force in the Legia Soccer schools. We are pleased that Legia Soccer Schools, which recently celebrated its eighth birthday, is developing at a rapid pace and is already operating on a different continent. – said the director of the Legia Football Schools, Marcin Harasimovic.

Theoretical and practical exercises were conducted to prepare local trainers for training children in the USA through the coordination of trainers: Bartosz GroszakAnd Wojciech Molid And pewter salwa.

Legia Soccer Schools conduct training activities in more than 120 locations throughout Poland (and one in the USA), where about 4.5 thousand people train. Young. more information: www.LegiaSoccerSchools.pl.

Legia Soccer Schools Location Map: