The Munich Security Conference began on Friday afternoon, with world leaders discussing international policy directions. Atmosphere Biden He had attended the conference several times before, but on Friday for the first time as President of the United States. The main area of ​​talks is the relations between European countries and the United States. The conference was also attended by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany. NATO Jens Stoltenberg. Because pandemic Coronavirus event is being held online for the first time.

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Europe’s relations with the United States of America. New opening assisted by Joe Biden

President During the conference, the United States announced close cooperation with the European Union and participation in NATO. In this context, he recalled his speech in Munich two years ago, in which he announced that America would return to closer relations with Europe. On Friday, he said, “I fulfilled my promise.”

I know the past few years have soured our relationship. But I can assure you that America wants to cooperate with Europe again

– pointed out Joe Biden.

In his speech, the President announced that the United States would work closely with partners in the European Union and with individual capitals on the continent – “from Rome to Riga.” Biden also pledged to restore confidence within the transatlantic alliance. He cited China and Russia as the main competitors. Joe Biden emphasized adherence to Article 5 of NATO. An attack on anyone is an attack on everyone. He added that it is our unwavering promise.

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European leaders have responded positively to the new openness in relations with the United States.

Welcome back to America! Dedicated to working with you POTUSJoeBiden. As close friends, let us face our common challenges

– European Commission President Charles Michel wrote on Twitter.

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