Later tests comparing processors to the Galaxy S21 show: that the Snapdragon 888 is a better system than the Exynos 2100. It is true that its Samsung unit has made a lot of progress compared to its predecessor, so in terms of performance it still stands out from its competitor from the stable of Qualcomm.

Already for several years the engagement Exynos vs Snapdragon It is extremely important for those who want to purchase a flagship phone from Samsung. Recently, it turned out that the Qualcomm unit is much better, which the Koreans unfortunately only install in the Galaxy S for the selected markets.

It turned out to be especially painful last year because of The Exynos 990 turned out to be very unsuccessful, and it turns out that the Snapdragon 865 is an almost perfect processor. You could say it has proven more and more every minute, maintaining consistent performance and energy efficiency, while its competitor weakens and gets more and more hot.

Thankfully, the Galaxy S21’s Exynos 2100 turned out to be a more successful hitThis has been confirmed by tests and subsequent reviews of Samsung’s latest flagship. Unfortunately, the Snapdragon 888 still performs better, even though it has its own problems …

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Snapdragon 888 vs Exynos 2100 w Galaxy S21 Ultra

AnandTech service has prepared a very detailed comparative analysis of both systems. It says the Exynos 2100 is indeed much better than its predecessor in almost all respects Overall, it still performs worse than its direct competitor from Qualcomm’s stable. This applies to both energy efficiency and performance (also under load).

However, this time the situation is slightly different from last year, as both units are a big problem. Both Snapdragon 888 and Exynos 2100, They show a great appetite for energy, weaken significantly with prolonged exertion and can warm up well.

All of that made an interesting situation. The Exynos 2100 has made a major progress over the E990 because it simply failed. Meanwhile, the Snapdragon 888 does not look impressive compared to the SD865, which performs much better under load compared to its rear, and generates much less heat.

However, this does not change the fact that After all, the SD888 is more powerful than the E2100. This can be seen, for example, in the GSMAren comparison, which examined how both systems handle long-term maintenance of performance, using the Galaxy S21 Ultra for this.

CPU testing showed that the Samsung unit is owned Up to 56% of primary energy! Qualcomm’s kid didn’t shine in that test either, but the performance dropped 77% of maximum performance It looks much better anyway.

Exynos 2100 in Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra - Performance over time / photo loss by GSMArena

Exynos 2100 in Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra – Performance over time / photo loss by GSMArena

AnTuTu turned out to be more cruel. The fifth test in a row showed this Galaxy S21 Ultra’s performance with Exynos decreased by approximately 25%, while in the competitor’s case it was less than 10%.. The Snapdragon also turned out to be stronger in the GPU test (although it was a bit worse in the first run), but the throttle turned out to be almost the same.

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If this will comfort someone, then in the GSMAren battery test, which many ManiaKów Oracle consider, Galaxy S21 Ultra (Exynos) achieved the same as Galaxy S21 Ultra (Snapdragon) result.. That’s 114 hours over, which is a decent result for a phone with a 5000 mAh battery.

الاستنتاجات واضحة

هناك نوعان من الاستنتاجات الرئيسية التي يمكن استخلاصها من كل هذا. أولا، تبين أن Snapdragon أفضل من Exynos مرة أخرى ، لكن هذه المرة ليست مؤلمة مثل العام الماضيلأن كلا النظامين بهما مشكلات ، وليست واحدة منهما فقط.

المخدرات بو ، دعنا نشتري سفنًا رئيسية سابقة مع شريحة Snapdragon 865 ، خاصةً إذا كانت متوفرة في عروض ترويجية جيدة. إنهم لا يفتقرون إلى القوة ، أو على الأقل سنتجنبها الحار مشكلة …

أخيرًا ، لدي فضول. وفقًا لبحث AnandTech 5nm ، فإن العملية التكنولوجية 5LPE ، والتي يتم فيها تصنيع Exynos 2100 و Snapdragon 888 ، تتوافق مع أداء … العملية التكنولوجية 7nm TSMC (N7P) ، والتي تم فيها تصنيع Snapdragon 865.

قد يفسر هذا سبب مشكلات ارتفاع درجة حرارة المنتج الرئيسي الجديد لشركة Qualcomm – زادت قوة وحدة المعالجة المركزية أكثر من كفاءة الطاقة.


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