career path career path Hector Cabrera Fuentes Take an unexpected path. Until 2019, Cabrera holds a PhD in Molecular Microbiology from Kazan University, Russia, and in Molecular Cardiology from Giessen University in Germany. He was a precursor to research in the treatment of the effects of burns, and also participated in projects related to the treatment of atherosclerosis. In addition, he established an aid program in his native Oaxaca, which allowed young Mexicans to begin their studies abroad. The Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior listed him as one of its most important representatives from the world of science.

The public was not aware that Fuentes lived a double life. He had wives on two continents One is in Mexico and the other is a Russian who lives with him in Germany.

In 2019, a Russian woman and her two daughters left Germany to “arrange the procedures” in their home country. Soon, it turned out that they could not leave Russia due to the visa problem. According to American investigators, Fuentes was contacted by a Russian official who offered him a solution to the situation – scientist Locating the informant in the United States who provided the Americans with classified data about the Russian government. In the changes, his family could return to Germany. During the trial, Fuentes admitted that he may have been recruited by an FSB agent.

In February 2020, Fuentes traveled to Miami with a partner from Mexico. Together, we were able to locate the vehicle the detective was traveling in. According to the instructions, they took pictures of the license plate and recorded its track.

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However, the world did not know that American circles were watching him. On February 16, he was arrested at Miami AirportWhen he and his wife returned to Mexico City. Investigators found incriminating material on his phone. The moment they were following the detective’s car was recorded by the city’s surveillance cameras. During interrogation, Fuentes pleaded guilty to spying for Russia.

During the experiment, the 37-year-old scientist confirmed that day Helping the Russian services was “the biggest mistake of his life”.. He was facing up to 10 years in prison, but thanks to an admission of guilt and an agreement with the prosecutor, the sentence was reduced Up to four years in prison. The ruling was issued last Tuesday.

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